On Wednesday, 17 January 2007 at  3:16:44 +0100, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 11:37:53AM +1030, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> I can't agree.  It has hijacked some keys used by Wikipedia (alt-S,
>> alt-P), and so far I've found it impossible to disable tabs, something
>> that was barely possible under 1.5.  Tell me how to fix that and I'll
>> be marginally happy; presumably they'll gradually fix the stability
>> problems.
> You could set browser.tabs.forceHide to true in about:config. That
> should get rid of the tabbar. Set browser.link.open_external and
> browser.link.open_newwindow to 2 to open new pages in a new window.

Thank you!  I had done some of these changes, but not all.  Now it

> Personally I like tabbed browsing a lot, but different strokes for
> different folks.

It probably depends on your window manager.  Tabs are a reasonable
workaround for window managers that make it difficult to manage many

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