On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 05:34:08PM -0500, hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) wrote:
> On 14 September 2006, at 14:05, Bj?rn K?nig wrote:
> >hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) schrieb:
> >>On 12 September 2006, at 02:06, Bj?rn K?nig wrote:
> >>>Karl Denninger schrieb:
> >>>
> >>>>This is not cool folks.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>I think you misunderstood what -STABLE means. (Or maybe I do?)
> >>>
> >>>-STABLE is still a development branch without guarantee of a  
> >>>stable  and working operating system.
> >>Hahahahaha... That's ironic...
> >
> >That wasn't meant to be ironic. Years of experience and  
> >observations of development lead to this conclusion.
> RIght. All i can say, though, is that someone that doesn't know any  
> better would probably not think "Oh! That means that upgrades are  
> possible between releases, and not that my system will actually run,  
> or anything!"
> It just seems it'd be quite a cause of confusion.

Anyone who is confused but doesn't attempt to enlighten themselves by
reading the provided documentation deserves to stay confused :)


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