clinth wrote:

Hi All,

This morning I upgraded a Dell PowerEdge 2850 from 6.0-RELEASE to 6.1-RELEASE and found that amr(4) no longer detects my Seagate DAT via sa(4).

The system has an embedded Dell PERC 4e/Di with two channels. Channel 0 contains two disks in RAID 1 and works fine. Channel 1 has only the DAT at ID 6 but it is no longer detected. Possibly related to this, ses0 also shows up with the 6.0 kernel but not under 6.1.

The diffs for amr show that a ton of (excellent) work has been done between 6.0 and 6.1 so I have no idea where to even begin looking for a solution. Any help is most appreciated.


I am having the same issues as RJ.  Has there been a resloution to this
issue as I'm unable to find one?
The system is the same as above with a new install of 6.1-RELEASE-p3.  Any
help is very appreciated.


It's my fault.  I was hoping that the SCSI-passthrough mis-feature would
not be missed, but I forgot that Dell was making systems that explicitely encourage it. Fixing the driver is non-trivial, but I'll see what I can do before 6.2. Until then, you should be able to transplant the 6.0 sources into your 6.1 trees and rebuild.


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