On Sat, 15 Jul 2006, Kostik Belousov wrote:

On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 12:10:29AM -0300, User Freebsd wrote:

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Robert Watson wrote:

If you can get into DDB when the hang has occurred, output via serial
console for the following commands would be very helpful:

show pcpu
show allpcpu
show locks
show alllocks
show uma
show malloc
show lockedvnods

'k, after 16 days uptime, the server that I got all the debugging turned
on for finally hung up solid ... I was able to break into DDB over the
serial link, and have run all of the above on it ... and the output is
attached ...

One thing to note is that the ps listing is not complete ... there are >6k
processes running at the time, and I don't know how to get rid of the
'--more--' prompt :(  After 1k processes, I just hit 'q' and went onto the
other commands ...
set lines=0

Also, traceall gave me a 'No such command' error ... now that I think
about it, my luck, it was supposed to be 'trace all'?
It is alltrace.

If this doesn't provide enough information, please let me know what else I
should do the next time through, besides the above commands ...
Missing alltrace output seems to be critical. If this is not feasible,
please, provide at least the output of the bt <pid> for each pid
shown in the "show lockedvnods" and "show alllocks". In you case,
bt 64880 was the most interesting. It is pity that you had reset the

Was down for too long as it was ... it, of course, happened while I was out with the family :(

Will keep all of this in mind next time I get a chance to run through things ...

Any idea why 'panic' doesn't produce core like it used to?

Just in case, do you use mlocked mappings ? Also, why so huge number of crons exist in the system ? The are all forking now. It may be (can not say definitely without further investigation) just a fork bomb.

mlocked mappings?  What are they? :)

re: crons ... this, I'm not sure of, but my suspicion was that the crons weren't able to complete, since the file system was locked up, but the next one was being attempted to run ... *shrug*

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