On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 10:03:33AM +1200, Andrew Thompson wrote:
> On Sun, May 21, 2006 at 01:20:24PM -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
> > Well, y'know, if they could release a FreeBSD 2.2.9 (as was done last 
> > month), it
> > shouldn't be a problem to do a 4.12 release as a "last gasp" to tide us 
> > over 
> > until September. (Hopefully, Colin and the "summer of code" folks can
> > work on performance enhancements to the network stack, UFS2, and the hard
> > disk device drivers in time for the 6.2 release in September. I'm just a
> > little scared of 6.1, given the known problems that couldn't be fixed in
> > time and the slower performance we're seeing on databases, etc.)

We did ourselves a big disservice by not pointing out clearly in the
todo list that most of the listed problems are VERY RARE and are
unlikely to affect most/all users.  In future we're going to have to
be clearer about that, because you're not the only user who was scared
for no reason.

We really had to push FreeBSD hard to find those problems; 6.1 stands
up to enormous test loads that all previous tested releases could not
handle.  I wouldn't be surprised if 4.x cannot handle the same
workloads, simply because no-one may have ever attempted such loads on
a 4.x system.


P.S. If you're willing to put some effort into analyzing and profiling
it, I'd be willing to work with you on your performance problem.

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