On Monday 06 March 2006 08:41, Patrick M. Hausen wrote:

> AFAIK soft-updates don't put your root partition at risk _directly_.
> You might run into problems, _if_ your root partition is rather
> small, during installworld/installkernel. This is due to the
> delayed freeing of data blocks when files are erased.
> So your root partition might fill up even if there should be
> plenty of space.

I believe that softupdates is usefull only for partitions where writing 
ocurres what normally is not the case on the root partition

> This has _never_ happened to me, though. My root partitions are all
> at least 128 M in size and /var is _always_ separate and /tmp is
> a symlink to /var/tmp.

this is a good idea but not default, standard install suggest a small /tmp 
partition I guess what probably is even better if you expect lots of r/w on 

> I did configure quite a few servers with soft-updates on all
> partitions, when soft-updates were rather new and I was
> excited about the performance gain and didn't know about
> the possible problems with / - as I said, I never had a
> single problem with that setup.

softupdate except for / is the default I guess so you do not need to enable it


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