
just installed a fresh 6.0 on a laptop, using the standard boot
manager. The problem is: The default volume of pcspeaker can't be tuned
in bios or anywhere else before loading a sound driver (in this case
snd_ich). This especially means the pc speaker volume is always set to
100% at every boot which results in a horribly loud beep which I am
afraid the built-in "speakers" can't do very often :-)

So what about this one:

--- /usr/src/sys/boot/i386/boot0/boot0.S
+++ boot0.S
@@ -201,9 +201,7 @@
  * Start of input loop.  Beep and take note of time
-main.10:       movb $ASCII_BEL,%al             # Signal
-               callw putchr                    #  beep!
-               xorb %ah,%ah                    # BIOS: Get
+main.10:       xorb %ah,%ah                    # BIOS: Get
                int $0x1a                       #  system time
                movw %dx,%di                    # Ticks when
                addw _TICKS(%bp),%di            #  timeout

This might be an issue on other architectures (amd64?) as well, I
haven't checked that right now.


- Now the world has gone to bed  | Now I lay me down to sleep        -
-- Darkness won't engulf my head | Try to count electric sheep      --
--- I can see by infra-red       | Sweet dream wishes you can keep ---
---- How I hate the night        | How I hate the night           ----
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