On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 05:38:43PM +0100, Thomas E. Zander wrote:
> On Fri, 09. Dec 2005, at 16:00 +0000, David Malone wrote
> according to [Re: Boot manager beep]:
> > On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 08:43:14AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
> > 
> > > It is highly irritating for everyone else, though.
> > 
> > Not quite everyone - if I'm working on a few machines I find it
> > useful to know when a particular machine has reached the boot stage,
> > so I can tell it to go into single user mode. It is particularly
> > useful on machines where the BIOS tages ages to do its stuff.
> Probably it isn't even a real problem on most boxes. Usually standard
> desktops and servers (maybe) have their pc speaker which is set to a
> reasonable volume at boot time. I never found this beep annoying in my
> servers. Just came across it when I had to reinstall my notebook
> because of a hard drive crash and 6.0 installed this beeping boot
> loader. So probably as Scott pointed out, it might be best to let the
> user choose a quiet loader as an option.
> Naturally, boot0 is a tiny program, it shouldn't be a problem to build
> a boot0nobeep as well and install one of them depending on settings,
> maybe even early during sysinstall ?!
yes, that sounds reasonable to me .. i'm one of those sightless ones
who caused the irritation for mr long. may i suggest that the default
situation be set to beep: ON and if teh enduser requires or need the
beep: OFF version then they are left to make the adjustments as thier
own exercise. i like the idea about setting a bit in the /dev/conf
file, ummm something like that my memory isnt that good this morning.

it is most difficult trying to work out how and where to make changes
when being able to see teh scree becomes a personal issue .. every bit

sorry for the intrusion . this be one of those items that needs some
vocalisation from those it genuinely affects and for whom it is not a
meer cosmetic annoyance.

regards and apologies


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