On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 04:39:30PM -0500, Ken Menzel wrote:
> ...
> If I include GENERIC can I comment out  the following?
> #cpu            I486_CPU
> #cpu            I586_CPU

Well, it's your (copy of) the file; I suppose you can do whatever you
want to with it.  :-)
> Does this make any difference?  I have always done this out of habit. 

I believe it will make some difference, yes.

> would it become
> nocpu I486_CPU   ?

As of FreeeBSD 6.0-STABLE, /usr/src/usr.sbin/config/lang.l (rev. 1.41,
last updated 2005/02/10 10:46:27) has tokens defined such as "cpu",
"device", "nodevice", etc., but not "nocpu". 

It might be worth adding, though.  Of course, some semantics would need
to be associated with it in config.y.

> Or is this irrelevant as the build knows what CPU I have?

It might know what kind you havem but that's no guarantee that you plan
to run the kernel you build on the same machine.

David H. Wolfskill                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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