Matthias Buelow wrote:
Greg Barniskis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

that async provides fast writes at the cost of "no guarantee at all for a consistent state of the filesystem". So, you choose: fast but not so reliable writes, or slower writes with fast, reliable disaster recovery.

Thanks to the FreeBSD team for choosing the sensible default, even if it results in the occasional "Linux is faster!" debate. Dang smirky penguins... you're flightless I tell ya, flightless. =)

Is CentOS using ext2? I thought everyone moved to ext3 already, which
provides nearly the speed of ext2+async but is safe due to its journal.
If you make such comparisons, please use current technology, and not
the status quo of 5 years ago.

OK, my bad. I did not do thorough research, just enough to satisfy my curiosity. If ext3 does well and safely, then more power to 'em. Anyway, sorry, what I wrote was not intended to be flame bait, just blowing off a little steam. I'll go crawl back under my rock now.

However, I stand by the assertion that a slow, certain default is better than a fast, uncertain one. That async was ever the Linux default is troubling (to me), and I've got plenty other reasons to prefer BSD over Linux (which is why I didn't do thorough research in the first place -- no interest at all in migrating, even if there's a database speed boost).

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
<gregb at>, (608) 266-6348
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