I've posted a longer reply, with a trimmed cc list on the -performance
mailing list if anyone is still interested and I'll leave it off
-stable as it's probably become somewhat off topic now.

Sadly, I don't think simply having an async FS is going to solve our
problem though. :(


        Steve Roome

For refernce:
On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 09:28:54AM -0400, David Sze wrote:
> At 05:15 PM 16/06/2005 +0100, Steve Roome wrote this to All:
> It turns out that the problem was the same thing everyone usually points 
> the finger at, but no one actually mentioned this time:  Linux mounts its 
> partitions async by default.  I don't have the exact numbers in front of me 
> right now, but these were the ballpark figures (I'm not going to separate 
> out results for all of the different threading libraries for FreeBSD 
> because the deltas weren't huge):

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