I know this is kind of like jumping off the high board before I've
(Bchecked for water in the pool, but I'm wondering.
(BLong version of the story --
(BI need to get an opentsa server running, and their site only has patches
(Bfor openssl 0.9.7e, not for the latest, 0.9.7f.
(BThe current version in ports is 0.9.7f. I don't know how to massage the
(Bports collection to get a downlevel version yet, and the boss doesn't
(Bwant me to take time to learn how. (Silly boss.) So I just used the
(Bsample stable-supfile to get the system sources and note that the system
(Bversion has gone up from 0.9.7d to 0.9.7e .
(BSo, I'm thinking to myself this could be heaven or this could be ...
(BIf this works, we are going to be wanting to build a dedicated time
(Bstamp server anyway, ...
(Band similar sirens are calling from far away, ...
(Bbut I really don't want to find myself in the situation where I can
(Bcheckout anytime but never ...
(BShort version --
(BWhat kind of grief am I likely to cause myself if I grab the opentsa
(Bpatch, apply it to the openssl source in /usr/sys/crypto, and make world?
(BThere's a voice in my other ear that says the patch was not built to mix
(Bwith freebsd patches to openssl, so I should just grab the stock openssl
(Band build it completely outside the ports tree, configure the timestamp
(Bstuff to use the independently built openssl.
(Bdigitcom, inc. $B3t<02qhttp://www.ddcom.co.jp> **
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