On Thu, 07 Apr 2005 10:40:05 +0200
(B"Ronald Klop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(B> /usr/ports/sysutils/portdowngrade
(B> Never used it. So I can't tell you more.
(BThanks. I think I talked myself into compiling this one completely
(Boutside the source and ports trees because of the patches, but this will
(Bbe good for future reference. 
(B(I'd seen it before. I see things and they just don't register. I'm not
(Bquite old enough to blame it on my age, though.)
(BBTW, openssl took the opentsa patch, made, and installed to the default
(Bopenssl location from outside the ports tree without any problems I
(Bcould see, if anyone cares to know.
(B> [...]
(B> >
(B> > Short version --
(B> >
(B> > What kind of grief am I likely to cause myself if I grab the opentsa
(B> > patch, apply it to the openssl source in /usr/sys/crypto, and make world?
(B> > [...]
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