On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 13:39:59 -0500
Anish Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is the code setting the UMS_T flags?  If not, then force it in after 
> the detection routine section:
>       /* The Microsoft Wireless Intellimouse 2.0 reports it's wheel
>        * using 0x0048 (i've called it HUG_TWHEEL) and seems to expect
>        * you to know that the byte after the wheel is the tilt axis.
>        * There are no other HID axis descriptors other than X,Y and 
>        * TWHEEL */
>       if (hid_locate(desc, size, HID_USAGE2(HUP_GENERIC_DESKTOP, 
>                       hid_input, &sc->sc_loc_t, &flags)) {
>                       sc->sc_loc_t.pos = sc->sc_loc_t.pos + 8;
>                       sc->flags |= UMS_T;
>       }
> sc->flags |= UMS_T; /* <---  Add this to force MS Intellimouse Mode */

No, it isn't set by the code itself. I tried what you suggested, I get
the same results as before:
 - jerky movement
 - need to scroll the mousewheel two positions to get one event
 - button pressing isn't recognized if the mouse isn't moving

If I plug the mouse into the PS/2 connector it works as I
expect. But thats not an option :(

Anyhow, thank you very much for your suggestions.

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