In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marius =?ISO-
8859-1?Q?N=FCnnerich?= writes:
>On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 19:29:18 +0000
>Ian Dowse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> BTW, before adding more workarounds here it would be worth reading:
>> I don't know if this is true, but I suspect the main problem is
>> that we are simply ignoring the information in the report descriptor
>> that says how to interpret the data coming from the mouse. Can
>> somebody check if this is the case, or if these mice really need
>> special case workarounds?
>I didn't read the whole document, but as far as I understand the table
>on the bottom of page 61 (of the document, not the pdf-file) it is clear
>how the data should be interpreted, and that my mouse (like the
>intellimouse) is not conforming to this standard.

I think page 61 is just an example of one possible report descriptor
for a mouse. Could you follow the instructions below to get the
report descriptor for your mouse and post it to the list?

 o Remove the `ums' device from your kernel config, but leave in
   the `uhid' device (if you're using modules, just unload ums and
   make sure uhid is loaded).

 o Plug in the mouse

 o Check dmesg for the correct uhid device, e.g. you should see
   something like:

        uhid0: Logitech USB Mouse, rev 1.10/4.10, addr 2, iclass 3/1

 o Run this command

        usbhidctl -f /dev/uhid0 -ra

   replacing the uhid0 name with the correct device for your mouse.


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