Indeed, just installed on a customer's server last night, and I build SMP support into the GENERIC kernel this morning. Only issues I encountered has to do w/ recognizing the full 4GB of RAM, but this apparently has some compatibility issues w/ the amr driver.
As per Holger's comments about disabling USB in BIOS, this is a good suggestion, since the DRAC apparently causes some IRQ issues w/ the PS/2 keyboard controller, or something along those lines. Regardless, these 2850 boxes are stupid fast, and I'm looking forward to benchmarking 5.3 on them.


Art Mason
Technical Support - Team F
Rackspace Managed Hosting
(800) 961-4454 ext. 4290

Kipp Holger wrote:
On Tue 01.03.2005 17:49, lhmwzy wrote:

Please reply to hk at alogis dot com. This is not my native

Subject: Can FreeBSD be installed on DellPowerEdge2800 ?


Anybody did this?


Any help is appreciateed?

Boot from FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-CD and install. No problems
so far. You might want to disable USB within BIOS, though,
because they seem to be shared with other critical devices
(nics and raidcontroller). But I don't use USB anyway.
Then you might want to upgrade to 5-STABLE.

This is on Dell PowerEdge 2800 with 2GB ECC RAM,
4 x 36GB SCSI and amrd-Controller (PERC-4-something).

Binary copy of SAP 4.6C and Oracle 8 (from a working
installation on FreeBSD 4.x) works nearly without changes
(using emulators/linux_base-suse-9.1 and one additional
rpm (some compatibility-thing)).

Holger Kipp
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