> No, the problem's the other way round. Every time I want to
> portupgrade something else, portupgrade also wants to upgrade Xorg. I
> don't want the latest Xorg after the horror stories I heard.

> That's why I'm building firefox-1.0.1 independently of the ports
> system, so that I don't have to go through the pain of upgrading Xorg
> (on which firefox depends, naturally) as well.

The simple solution to this is to not use the -r or -R switch with
portupgrade.  :)  Just use "portupgrade firefox" and it won't try to
upgrade Xorg on you.

I have yet to see a simple "portupgrade <portname>" try to upgrade
anything other than <portname>.

> Now, if I could be certain that Xorg has settled down, I wouldn't
> mind upgrading from 6.7.0 to 6.8.1 and have done with it.

I've been using Xorg 6.8.1 since a week after it hit the ports tree. 
First on 5.3-RELEASE and then on 6-CURRENT (same laptop).  No problems

Freddie Cash, CCNT CCLP        Helpdesk / Network Support Tech.
School District 73             (250) 377-HELP [377-4357]
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