On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 12:55, Gary Kline wrote:
> > FYI X.Org should have just used your XF86-4 config file by default.
>       XF86Config bombed instantly, even with startx.
>       This afternoon after hours of testing one-change-at-a-time
>       I found that the DefaultDepth of 8 is at least one thing that
>       bombs.  24 works, but the max size with "X -pconfigure"s
>       xorg.conf only 1152x863(?).  A DefaultDepth of 16 gives me
>       1880x1024, which is what works best for here.
Did you read the log file?
This will more than likely give you a good clue as to what it's barfing on..

>       I'm still having troubl getting the Horz and Vert sync numbers
>       right.  This is probably why the GUI apps "quiver" whenever I
>       try anything.  My CRT is trying to tell me something when going
>       blank by printing error message about "INVALID SYNC" and so
>       on. _So_ is there any tool that will auto-configure the
>       horizontal/vertical ranges?  I didn't see xvidtune in the
>       X11R6 bin directory, but don't think it had this capability.
>       (FWIW, my tube is a Hitachi SuperScan Eltire751.)

Your monitor is supposed to tell the X server what it's capable of, but some 
are dumb and don't seem to do it properly.

You can hard code it if you find out the monitors specs (eg manual, web site).

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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