
I have some further information that might be of some use, and also
points me to a cause of this bug.

I saw the following information on the system console when I looked at
the screen before rebooting th machine:

Cannot dump. No dump device defined.
Automatic reboot in 15s - press any key to abort
cpu_reset called on cpu#0
cpu_reset: stopping all other CPUs
panic: APIC: Previous IPI is stuck
boot() called on cpu#0
Uptime@: 21h2m31s
Cannot dump. No dump device defined.
Automatic reboot in 15s - press any key to abort
cpu_reset called on cpu#0
cpu_reset: stopping all other CPUs
panic: APIC: Previous IPI is stuck

The fix mentioned earlier in this thread
talks about IPI and says under heavy load a kernel panic was
caused...I guess building a kernel was a heavy enough load and I think
this panic is what is occuring.

I will try patching my sources with CVSup and recompiling the kernel.

Thanks for all your help, Alex J Burke.
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