Hello, Am Montag, den 31.01.2005, 09:53 -0600 schrieb Billy Newsom: > Alex Burke wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > I wasnt quite sure what to call this problem. > > > > I am running FreeBSD 5.3 STABLE on a quad Pentium Pro IBM Netfinity > > 7000 system, and since the GENERIC kernel does not come SMP enabled I > > compiled a kernel with SMP support and drivers for networks card and > > SCSI RAID adapter built into it (not loaded as modules). This build > > happens fine under the original GENERIC kernel. > > > My last cvs update was the 30th (yesterday) and it compiled for me using > make -j6 buildworld and took 3:38. My kernel build took 1:27. Those are > with a working SMP kernel, so the generic kernel would take longer.
In a german documenation I have read that the "-j"-switch should not be used because I makes trouble especially on SMP-systems. I don't have the source for this anymore. I think it was described in a german BSD-forum. Best regards JÃrgen
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