I think it's important that companies such as yours that depend on 3D
performance write to the various video card manufacturers. As others
have pointed out, the home market for 3D support is and will continue to
be nill until gaming becomes common on *BSD and Linux. Companies that
need good drivers can easily provide these manufacturers with hard data
about how many video cards they typically buy in a year, which the
manufacturers can translate into how much is to be made by supporting

On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 11:37:45AM +0100, Thomas Ludwig wrote:
> Maybe a little OT, but:
> IMHO the 3D-acceleration issue is too much considered a gamer's
> problem: There are software producers around like us that use FreeBSD
> and Linux for their 3D visualization programs.  As an example, display
> of large CFD models needs an excellent VM and good 3D acceleration.
> For us and our clients the overall quality (stability, correctness,
> speed) of the 3D part of X & co. is an important criterium of the
> platform, as is the stability of the kernel, the quality of the file
> system, manpages, etc.
> On SGI, we had excellent 3D support, but price-performance, stability,
> and security were less good.  On BSD and Linux we have the latter, but
> are running in all kinds of problems with 3D, especially when using
> multiple OpenGL contexts in multiple threads, off-screen rendering,
> etc.  
> Testing is quite intricate, and there are many subtle ways to screw
> things there (e.g. recent xorg and xfree86 crashes X server during
> off-screen rendering).  Stuff like glxgears is not sufficient for that
> purpose...
> --
> Thomas Ludwig
> SMR SA                     Phone:  +41-32-3452124
> P.O. Box 4014              Fax:    +41-32-3452120
> CH-2500 Bienne 4           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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