Am Montag, 5. Juli 2004 01:21 schrieb Doug Ambrisko:
> Harald Schmalzbauer writes:
> | I've never tried ataraid with "non-raid" controllers but I doubt that
> | detach/attach would work. I asked S?ren about the missing addspare in
> | -stable but never got any answer.
> I've add addspare and some other features in my 4.10 Release patches:
> You might want to give that a try.

Like said at the list, thank you. But for a few hours the experimenting 
machine from the last three days turned productive (as you can see in the 
I'm really sorry, but I'm not brave enough to try your patch with this system. 
It's really quiet horrible if my internal mta and much more painful my IMAP 
server, which is on that machine, dies.
But if I'll have a chance to test it I'll do it immediately and drop you a 
note. (I have only a spare sil0680 and hopefully a FastTrak100 TX2 but this 
one is perfectly sopported anyway)

Thank you,


> Doug A.
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