On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:58:43 +0300, you wrote:

>> yes, "command1 & && command2" won't work any longer. please update your
>> mysql ports as there are new startup scripts (or replace mysql & && echo
>> mysql with mysql &; echo mysql)
>Where is this documented? I missed it. Is this relevant to 4.6 also? I find a problem,
>for example this line:
>/usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql --log=/var/log/mysql.log > /dev/null && echo 
>-n ' mysqld'
>On a 4.6 when I try the change you suggest, it complains about the ";", as in
>/usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql --log=/var/log/mysql.log > /dev/null &; echo 
>-n ' mysqld'
>That is wrong isn't it? Moreso, when I change the & &&, then I cannot do 
>./mysql-server.sh start,
>because then it doesn't detach from the tty.....

AFAIR mysqld was started like this: safe_mysqld >/dev/null & && echo -n '
mysqld' which won't work anymore. instead use something like this:
safe_mysqld &
echo -n ' mysqld'

or (safe_mysqld &);echo foo

>All the scripts in there failed to start - ALL of them.
>I have tpop3d.sh, exim.sh, proftppd.sh, apache.sh, drwebd.sh ..
>I mean I have to start all of them manually :-(

since mergemaster doesn't change anything in /usr/local/etc/ i think you
made some mistakes at /etc/rc* please redo the merge with -s and update
all the rc scripts.

>THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking your time to see me through this. I am most grateful.

the attached scripts should all work fine...

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