* Ulrich 'Q' Spoerlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20020919 15:37]: wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:20:39 +0300, you wrote:
> >> >When I start them manually they do start however. I did not make any
> >> >changes to the rc files during mergemaster.
> >> 
> >> You must have accidentally changed something at mergemaster / install time. 
> >> Double check that the files in /etc/ didnt get incorrectly altered.  Also, 
> >> dmesg -a might still have your bootup info stored and it might offer a clue 
> >> as to what went wrong.
> >
> >Thanks for the quick response. During mergemaster, I am pretty sure no critical
> >file changed. I may swear this and be proved wrong though/
> re-run your mergemaster with the -s option and make sure all files are as
> accurate as possible.

Will do. Thanks.

> >What I need to find out is which file controls the starting of the scripts in rc.d/
> >
> >The first clue I have about all this is that I realized that mysql-server.sh
> >refused to start. When I attempted to start it manually the system complained that
> >there was "&&" that was unexpected. So I am wondering whether the syntax for /bin/sh
> >has changed??? There has never been a probem with these scripts before. They cannot
> yes, "command1 & && command2" won't work any longer. please update your
> mysql ports as there are new startup scripts (or replace mysql & && echo
> mysql with mysql &; echo mysql)

Where is this documented? I missed it. Is this relevant to 4.6 also? I find a problem,
for example this line:

/usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql --log=/var/log/mysql.log > /dev/null && echo 
-n ' mysqld'

On a 4.6 when I try the change you suggest, it complains about the ";", as in

/usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql --log=/var/log/mysql.log > /dev/null &; echo 
-n ' mysqld'

That is wrong isn't it? Moreso, when I change the & &&, then I cannot do 
./mysql-server.sh start,
because then it doesn't detach from the tty.....

> aside from mysql-server.sh which scripts are failing too? do they include
> the "& &&" syntax?

All the scripts in there failed to start - ALL of them.
I have tpop3d.sh, exim.sh, proftppd.sh, apache.sh, drwebd.sh ..
I mean I have to start all of them manually :-(

Please allow me to bother you with this by attaching the scripts.
I believe there is something else that has made them fail.
If only I could zero in on it.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking your time to see me through this. I am most grateful.


S y s t e m s   A d m i n i s t r a t o r

Odhiambo Washington             Wananchi Online Ltd 
E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            www.wananchi.com 
P: (+254)2 313 985-9            1st Floor Loita Hse 
F: (+254)2 313 922              Loita St., NAIROBI 
"Nuclear war would really set back cable."
                -- Ted Turner

Attachment: apache.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: drwebd.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: samba.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: proftpd.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: slapd.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: spamd.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: tpop3d.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: z-exim.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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