Something is rather odd here, and I'm at a loss to explain it.  Checking
dates does in fact show a Dec 17th datestamp, but comparing the /usr/bin
executables against /usr/obj/usr/src/usr.bin executables shows they are
different in size, but datestamps are the same, Dec 17.  This whole
thing started with a funny netstat output.  Looking at file sizes, I see
in /usr/bin, netstat is:
-r-xr-sr-x  1 root  kmem 91008  Dec 17 13:06 /usr/bin/netstat

and in /usr/obj/usr/src/usr.bin/netstat:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  99182   Dec 17  12:24  netstat

Knowing it has not been installed, but it does give proper output.  A
view of the script of the install does not show any problems...

More than baffled now...


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