Hello all,
   I have seen quite a few posts in here about problems with KDE.  I personally
still have the problem that KDE will show its splash screen, get to
"initializing peripherals" and just sit there.  I have noticed a few PR's,
etc., and KDE's bug database had at least on message claiming this to be a
problem with FreeBSD's threads.  I have gone so far as to remove every port
that KDE depends on (except X) and rebuilt through the ports, but I just
haven't had any luck.  I am running Xfree86 3.3.6 (built from ports) over a
year ago, and KDE2 cvsuped many times, but the latest has been 7 days ago.  Any
known workarounds/fixes would be most appreciated.

Galen Sampson

--- Holger Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 09.11.2001 13:05:14, Vidor Demeter wrote:
> > I have some problems when I try to start Xwindows as a user:
> > I get an error message as: "DCOP-server is not running"
> > After a few trying to start Xwindows it starts, baut when I close it
> > it shows some error messages.
> This is a problem of starting KDE, not X (at least on my box). The
> "solution" I found in some newsgroup is to do a 
>    rm -rf /tmp/.ICE-unix/
> before starting up KDE. Works fine for me (I'm actually not yet running
> STABLE but 4.4-RELEASE)...
> Regards, Holger
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