On 11/26/18 10:25 AM, Pete French wrote:
> Foolwing up an old thread I know, but my ssystem ahs been pretty stable
> until recently, when it started locking up about one a week at least.
> This co-incided with me doing two things to it:
> 1) Doubling the amount of RAM in it to 16 gig, using RAM which runs a
> bit faster than the original sticks (2667 instead of 2400)
> 2) Upgrading to FreeBSD 12 BET4
> Now, I am really hoping the lockups are down to the RAM and that I just
> need to underclock it a bit, but I am a bit worried by the fact it
> happened the ame time as I went to 12. Has anyone else seen any issues
> under 12 when stable under 11?

My Ryzen has never run 11, but I have never seen a single problem on 12.
 As you suggest, it's probably due to the particular hardware
combination.  If updating the BIOS doesn't help, I agree that lowering
the memory clock is the best next step.

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