

(see if that helps you)

On 2/3/2016 10:47, Thierry Thomas wrote:
> Le mer  3 fév 16 à  8:53:13 +0100, Shane Ambler <free...@shaneware.biz>
>  écrivait :
>> Any chance you get high wired allocations?
>> Sometimes several times in a day I see the wired amount shown in top
>> rise to over 6GB (of 8GB) bringing the system to a crawl. When wired
>> gets over 7GB the system rarely recovers.
>> I am now running 10.2-STABLE r292646 on corei7 with 8GB and ZFS FS
>> This is my everyday desktop running xfce and a variety of gui apps.
>> I use a small script to allocate several GB of ram that gives the
>> pressure needed to start releasing some wired, provided I can get in
>> early enough.
>> Not sure how to gather any helpful info for this.
> I don't think so: this box has 16 GB of RAM, and everything is usually
> fine, even during high activity (e.g. poudriere build). The problem
> occurs only at daily periodic time.
> It's not repetable on demand, that's why I've not yet identified the
> task...

Karl Denninger
k...@denninger.net <mailto:k...@denninger.net>
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