
>>>>> On Tue, 2 Feb 2016 08:54:17 +0000
>>>>> Steven Hartland <kill...@multiplay.co.uk> said:

killing> Some more information about your enviroment would be helpful:
killing> 1. What revision of stable/10 are you running?

It occurs on r292895 and later.

killing> 2. What workloads are you running?

Apache, Cyrus IMAPd, BIND and mpd5.  However, traffic is almost
nothing without running the periodic daily scripts.

killing> 3. What's the output of procstat -k -k when this happens (assuming its
killing> possible to run)?

I could not get it.

killing> 4. What's the output of sysctl -a |grep vnode, usually and when this
killing> happens?

The following is usual case:

kern.maxvnodes: 400000
kern.minvnodes: 100000
Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...0 0 0 0 0 done
Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...0 0 0 0 0 0 done
vm.stats.vm.v_vnodepgsout: 129
vm.stats.vm.v_vnodepgsin: 836656
vm.stats.vm.v_vnodeout: 101
vm.stats.vm.v_vnodein: 90562
vfs.freevnodes: 39680
vfs.wantfreevnodes: 100000
vfs.vnodes_created: 141735
vfs.numvnodes: 59118
debug.sizeof.vnode: 472


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