On 01/03/2013 07:20 PM, Erich Dollansky wrote:

> So, why not wait until some more mirrors are available?
> One other problem people in 'developed' nations do not see exists. If -
> like me - you are located on a very remote location with a more or less
> random Internet connection, many servers become very impatient with the
> user and cut the connection as their values for time outs are simply
> too low.

There is a delivery method called "CTM" which originally meant "CVSUP
through Mail."  It was originally meant for people with slow
connections, but now it is mainly used by a few people because they are
behind very strict firewalls that don't allow them access to the outside
world except email.

BUT for people who have bad internet connections, may I commend it as a
method of getting updates for FreeBSD.

I have recently upgraded it to include updates for the svn repositories.
 Yes, you will need to have a working svn on your system.  And you will
have to apply a patch to the existing ctm program to make it work (ctm
is in the base system).  But this has been working for several weeks
now, and I think it is getting to the point where it is stable.

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