On 03/01/2013 19:56, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
> Hello, Matthew.
> You wrote 3 января 2013 г., 22:21:16:
>>> I'm a bit reluctant to installing svn on every system that needs source
>>> updates. Are there more lightweight ways?
> MS> freebsd-update(8)
>  It says (on 9-STABLE):
>      The freebsd-update tool is used to fetch, install, and rollback binary
>      updates to the FreeBSD base system.  Note that updates are only available
>      if they are being built for the FreeBSD release and architecture being
>      used; in particular, the FreeBSD Security Team only builds updates for
>      releases shipped in binary form by the FreeBSD Release Engineering Team,
>      e.g., FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE and FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE, but not FreeBSD
>      6.3-STABLE or FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT.
>  So,  as  far  as  I understand, it could not be used to track -STABLE
> branch, as it was possible with csup. Nothing is say about possibility
> to update "src" on stable branch with it. Is it possible and man page
> needs to be updated?

Ah. Yes, you are right.  You can't track a stable branch with
freebsd-update.  In that case, svn is the way to go.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.

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