On 8/30/2012 9:53 AM, Stas Verberkt wrote:
>> I spent a little time today setting up an SVN mirror after reading this
>> thread and wrote up a how-to for those looking to do the same.
>> http://www.pingle.org/2012/08/24/freebsd-svn-mirror
>> Comments/Flames/Corrections welcome...
> Just wondering: do you really need DAV if you are not going to allow
> writing?
> I serve my read-only GIT repositories using HTTP without WebDAV.

I'm not 100% sure on that part - previously I had setup a read+write SVN
repo over HTTPS (at $oldjob) so I went with the directions I had for
that, just adjusted for read-only.

Some Googling suggests that DAV is required. The official Subversion
book lists DAV as a requirement[1]. Wikipedia seems to suggest it's
required as well "Apache HTTP Server as network server, WebDAV/Delta-V
for protocol. There is also an independent server process called
svnserve that uses a custom protocol over TCP/IP."

If someone knows a trick to serve it up over HTTP without DAV that would
be good to know.

P.S. Realized I sent this directly, resending to the list, with an edit.

[1] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html
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