On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 09:13:33AM -0700, Dennis Glatting wrote:
> ... 
> > The second primer in the committer handbook seems to indicate that it is
> > difficult to run an SVN mirror. This appears to me to be the biggest
> > drawback.  I have been using CVS and perforce for years,  but subversion
> > is new to me.
> >
> Thanks.
> I have several cases where I cannot have machines going to the Internet to 
> update for various reasons, including WAN loading and policies, but I can 
> have them hit local mirrors. I have three sites:
> ...

I asked Dennis if a description of how I handle my private read-only SVN
mirrors might help, and his reaction was positive, so....

First: here's what I'm trying (and succeeding, AFAICT) to accomplish:
* I have a "build" machine at home, where I currently track stable/8,
  stable/9, and head (on different slices) on a daily basis.  I also
  update the installed ports on that machine daily.

  Periodically (by default, weekly), I also install the "Sunday"
  snapshot of stable/8 on my 2 "production" machines (and update their
  installed ports).  [I expect to switch these machines to stable/9
  soon.  The build machine has already been building stable/9 kerenls
  for them.  Shortly after that switch, I expect to stop tracking

  Separate from the above, I also track stable/8, stable/9, and head on
  a daily basis on my laptop; I also update its installed ports on a
  daily basis.  One of the reasons I do this is to gain actual
  experience with the code I'm expecting to install on the "production"
  machines: the build machine is used only for that, and when its job is
  done for the day, I power it off.

  Since the laptop spends some of the time it may be building FreeBSD
  or ports disconnected from a network (e.g., while I'm commuting
  to work), I prefer to just keep a local mirror of the SVN repo
  on my laptop.

* So, I started with one of the recent "seed" repositories in each case,
  and have my build machine (freebeast.catwhisker.org) use svnsync to
  re-sync its local mirror with the repo on svn.freebsd.org.

* As somewhat of a relic of my experiences doing this with CVS mirrors,
  I perform the re-sync in 2 stages overnight.  After the 2nd one, I
  update the local /usr/ports hierarchy (which used to be a CVS working
  direwctory, and is now an SVN working copy).

  The timing is intended so that during the daytime, my local mirror
  is "stable": if I were to check out (say) head from that mirror
  at 5AM, noon, 6PM, and 10PM, I would get the same result each
  time (even if I didn't specify a GRN).

* As another relic of doing something similar with CVSup, I use the
  login "cvsupin" to actually do this work.

* Somewhere, I acquired the perception that if, after setting up the
  SVN mirror on freebeast, if I were to try to also use svnsync on my
  laptop, that effort would end up talking back to svn.freebsd.org --
  which is NOT what I want, for 2 reasons:

  * I want to keep my mirrors in sync with one another, so I have
    reasonable assurance that (kernel configs and other local
    provisioning aside) I'm running the same code on my laptop that I
    would be running on the others.

  * I am also trying to avoid using more sv,freebsd.org resources tyhan

  Therefore, for re-syncing the SVN mirrors on my latop, I use rsync(1).

  As a bit of an implementation detail, I consign my repositories to
  separate file systems, and I have symlinks with names that depict the
  function pointing to appropriate places in the file system -- e.g.:

d134(9.1-P)[13] df /repo
Filesystem   1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada0s4f  40622796 22955728 14417246    61%    /repo
d134(9.1-P)[14] ls -F /repo
cvs/    svn/
d134(9.1-P)[15] ls -F /repo/*

freebsd/        local/
d134(9.1-P)[16] ls -lT /{cvs,svn}
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  9 Sep 27 08:49:09 2010 /cvs -> /repo/cvs
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  9 Sep 27 08:49:09 2010 /svn -> /repo/svn
d134(9.1-P)[17] ls -F /svn/freebsd
doc/    ports/  src/

I have attached a copy of the script I use to do this.  It isn't really
set up for more general consumption -- it hard-codes the name of my
build machine, for example.

Here are some sample entries from /etc/crontab.  First, for the build

# Local additions
30    01      *       *       *       cvsupin /usr/local/etc/svn-repo -f
30    03      *       *       *       cvsupin /usr/local/etc/svn-repo -f -w 

And from my laptop:
# Local additions
40      01      *       *       *       cvsupin /usr/local/etc/svn-repo -l
40      03      *       *       *       cvsupin /usr/local/etc/svn-repo -l -w 

# Copied from freebeast, for when I'm on the road....
# 30    01      *       *       *       cvsupin /usr/local/etc/svn-repo -f
# 30    03      *       *       *       cvsupin /usr/local/etc/svn-repo -f -w 

One other thing:  I rather like to have the logs from the svnsync
handy, so the script copies those, to.  There's a bit of sleight-of-hand
involved, as the user cvsupin can't create files in /var/log, and
I still want the log files there.

PS: Yes, I also rotate the svnsync log files.  Sample entry from

/var/log/svnsync.log    cvsupin:        644  12    *    $M1D0 JC

Please feel free to make use of the ideas -- or even the code.

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.
#! /bin/sh
set -e

REPO_LIST="src:src/base ports:ports doc:doc"

while getopts "flTw:" arg; do
  case ${arg} in
    f) mode="freebsd"; continue;;
    l) mode="local"; continue;;
    T) t_mode="echo "; continue;;
    w) WORKING_COPIES="$OPTARG"; continue;;
    ?) echo "Usage: $0 -{f|l} [-T] [-w working_copy...]" >&2; exit 2;;

if [ -n "$t_mode" ]; then

if [ -z "$mode" ]; then
  echo "$0: Need to specify -l (for rsync from local machine) or -f (for 
svnsync from svn.freebsd.org)" >&2
  exit 1;

if [ "$mode" = "local" ]; then
    $t_mode /bin/cp -p $TMP_DIR/$LOGFILE $LOG_DIR && \
    $t_mode /bin/rm $TMP_DIR/$LOGFILE'
elif [ "$mode" = "freebsd" ]; then
  cmd="$t_mode $SVNSYNC sync --non-interactive \$REPO >>$LOG_DIR/$LOGFILE 2>&1"
  logit='$t_mode echo "svnsync for $NAME ended at `date` exit status $?" 
  echo "$0: Logic error; mode => $mode; not recognized" >&2
  exit 3

log_init="$t_mode echo 'svnsync started at `date`' >>$LOG_DIR/$LOGFILE"
eval "$log_init"
until [ $status -eq 0 ]; do
  if [ "$mode" = "local" ]; then
    eval "$cmd"
    eval "$logit"
    for ITEM in $REPO_LIST; do
      NAME=$( echo $ITEM | sed -e 's/:.*$//' )
      SUFFIX=$( echo $ITEM | sed -e 's/^.*://' )
        eval "$cmd"
        eval "$logit"

for dir in $WORKING_COPIES; do
  cmd="$SVN update $dir >/var/tmp/"$(basename $dir)"_update 2>&1"
  $t_mode eval "$cmd"

exit $?

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