On 02.06.12 10:21, Marc Santhoff wrote:
Am Freitag, den 01.06.2012, 13:56 -0400 schrieb Michael R. Wayne:
On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 05:03:26AM -0700, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
If you are NOT using FreeBSD for any area or some areas , would you please
list those areas with most important first to least important last ?
As mentioned by several others, once you have a single applicaiton
that demands Windows, you are mostly stuck running windows.
I was used to thinking the same way, but today there is VirtualBox and
it does very well. More simple applications work fine using wine, that
keeps you from having to install a complete Windows-OS.
I want to second this. For me, until recently the only Windows computer
was an laptop. I was thinking along the same lines (being primary BSD
UNIX for everything for over 20 years) - if you need Windows software,
run it on Windows. But, I was more and more pissed of this stuff and
eventually brought myself an Macbook. Never touched the Windows laptop
ever since. Any "windows only" software that comes across, of any kind,
runs in VirtualBox on either FreeBSD or OS X. No issues of any kind.
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