Mehmet Erol Sanliturk <> writes:
> If you are NOT using FreeBSD for any area or some areas , would you please
> list those areas with most important first to least important last ?

1) I don't use FreeBSD for virtualization as the host OS. I really want
to, becaus I want to be able to somewhat trust the kernel hosting my
virtual machines. FreeBSD technology, support, and documentation for
this idea appears unavailable. 

2) I don't use FreeBSD for a 'modern' desktop. By 'modern' I mean areas
which most rank and file users would need: day-to-day non technical
browsing with flash, applications like skype, syncing to mobile
devices, etc. 

I'd imagine this is important for rank and file users. However, I'm an
old schooler who likes text based applications and command lines, and I
personally feel that a lot of the desktop technologies out there (Gnome,
KDE, Aqua, Windows) are inherently unsafe (security wise) for a desktop
I do software development on. One glance at my X-mailer should tell many
people where I'm at. ;)

As an example (please don't think I'm singling KDE out here, I can
likely find examples for each desktop technology out there) I was given
to understand that the KDE file browser allowed the execution of
javascript. This single rumor has kept me from trying out KDE for years.
Again, nothing against KDE in particular, all of the 'user friendly'
desktop technologies likely have something just as egregious.

Thus, in many ways I feel it's a *feature* of FreeBSD that the desktop
software lags behind everyone else. I don't want flash in my Firefox. I
don't want hal, bonjour, or dbus as an extra attack surface. I don't
want gnome to auto discover all the fileshares on my network(s). 

3) I don't use FreeBSD for games, sadly. This is the only place where I
will tolerate having a Windoze box, for my love of games exceeds my
hatred of windows (yes I -really- do love games) and it's hard to find a
better platform for games. 
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - 
>>> The opinions expressed above are entirely my own <<<

Freedom is free of the need to be free.    -George Clinton

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