On 31 May 2012, at 12:21, Lars Engels <lars.eng...@0x20.net> wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:06:55PM +0200, Damien Fleuriot wrote:
>> On 5/30/12 8:20 PM, David Chisnall wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> This is off-topic, so please feel free to disregard it, but I'm sending it 
>>> to this list in the hope that it will reach a largish number of users.  
>>> I am currently looking at updating some of our advocacy material (which 
>>> advertises exciting new features like SMP support), and before I do I'd 
>>> like to get a better feel for why the rest of you are using FreeBSD.  If 
>>> you had to list the three things you most like about FreeBSD, which would 
>>> you pick?  Are they the same as when you first started using it?  
>>> David
>> We're using FreeBSD here only for firewall boxes.
>> Reasons for using FBSD for firewalls:
>> - CARP
>> - relayd
>> - PF
>> - pfsync
>> Reasons I can't get management to use FBSD for regular servers (web,
>> haproxy, db...):
>> - "hard" to use
>> - update process is "hard", time-consuming and annoying (as opposed to
>> debian's for example)
>> A regular debian update is 5 minutes + reboot
>> A regular FBSD update is about 1.5 hour + 3 reboots (after
>> installkernel, installworld, rebuild of ports)
> But how often do you need to 

As a matter of fact, too often, that's te problem.

We have > 800 servers and I can't argue that debian's update process is much 
simpler and faster.

There is also the performance aspect.
We get better performance on Haproxy and PGsql on Debian than on 
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