
I considered switching from emacs23 to emacs24 over the christmas-holidays.. So I removed emacs23 and installed emacs-devel via ports. Emacs runs fine, in terminal, but it crashes my whole X-system when I try to start it as X-client... The error message tells me that there is a glib-problem: "GLib-WARNING **: In call to g_spawn_sync(), exit status of a child process was requested but SIGCHLD action was set to SIG_IGN and ECHILD was received by waitpid(), so exit status can't be returned. This is a bug in the program calling g_spawn_sync(); either don't request the exit status, or don't set the SIGCHLD action."

I have emacs-devel installed, and glib-2.28.8_2.

I am runnig xmonad as WM, but it happened on awesome as well..

Does anyone know what I can do to get emacs to work as X-client? ;)

Thanks in advance!
Greetings from rainy Cologne,

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