> My $0.02:  I thinks it's a good idea for /etc/defaults/whatever to set the
> defaults and then load any customizations for /etc/whatever. Personally, I
> *like* having small /etc/whatever files with just my entries to worry about.
> And if we call defaults from the /etc copy, you have to first have an /etc
> version, or else the defaults don't get loaded at all...


That's your choice, I'm not saying to take it away from you.

We already have to have an etc version, either that or sysinstall
generates it.  Either way, it gets created.

I started with slackware almost 4 years ago....  I personally had a
nightmare getting things done in the sysv way of things, all the various
config files just get the system started.

Then, one of the local 'experts' had me try FreeBSD.  (This was in the
2.2.x days ;)  I had one main config file that I had to edit that listed
nearly [if not] all of the main options to get my machine up.  I think
that was the first (and one of the biggest) reasons I stayed with

Since then, I've been frustrated by the defaults directory; however, I do
realise it's value in large networks.  I don't want that removed, but I
think it'd be nice to be able to remove it more easily.  

As I said, my suggestion also makes it quite obvious that the defaults are
just that.


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