On Wed, Jan 05, 2011 at 11:36:59AM +0200, Daniel Braniss wrote:
> Hi Clifton,
> I was getting very frustrated yesterday, hence the cripted message, your
> response requieres some background :-)
> the box is a Sun Fire X2200, which has bays for 2 disks, (we have several of 
> these)
> before the latest upgrade, the 2 disks were 'raided' via 'nVidia MediaShield' 
> and
> appeared as ar0, when I upgraded to 8.2, it disappeared, since I had in the 
> kernel config file
> ATA_CAM. So I starded fiddling with gstripe, which 'recoverd' the data.
> Next, since the kernel boot kept complaining abouf GEOM errors, (and not 
> wanting to
> mislead the operators) I cleaned up the data, and started from scratch.
> the machine boots diskless, but I like to keep a root bootable partition just 
> in case.
> the process was in every case the same, first the stripe, then gpart the 
> stripe.

  Thanks, that makes it very clear why things are as they are.  Good to know
that the booting issues are covered via diskless boot.

  I had never thought about being able to recover a RAID stripe using
gstripe.  That's a very interesting capability!

  Assuming that FreeBSD considers partitioning a stripe to be valid in
principle - and you give reasons it should - then there may be a geom/driver
interaction bug to investigate here if the geom layer is refusing to write a
stripe-oriented partition to the raw drive.

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  clift...@iandicomputing.com / clift...@lava.net
       President  - I and I Computing * http://www.iandicomputing.com/
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