On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 04:21:31PM +0200, Daniel Braniss wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2 ada disks striped:
> # gstripe list
> Geom name: s1
> State: UP
> Status: Total=2, Online=2
> Stripesize: 65536
> ID: 2442772675
> Providers:
> 1. Name: stripe/s1
>    Mediasize: 1000215674880 (932G)
>    Sectorsize: 512
>    Stripesize: 65536
>    Stripeoffset: 0
>    Mode: r0w0e0
> Consumers:
> 1. Name: ada0
>    Mediasize: 500107862016 (466G)
>    Sectorsize: 512
>    Mode: r0w0e0
>    Number: 0
> 2. Name: ada1
>    Mediasize: 500107862016 (466G)
>    Sectorsize: 512
>    Mode: r0w0e0
>    Number: 1
> boot complains:
> GEOM_STRIPE: Device s1 created (id=2442772675).
> GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ada0 attached to s1.
> GEOM: ada0: corrupt or invalid GPT detected.
> GEOM: ada0: GPT rejected -- may not be recoverable.
> GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ada1 attached to s1.
> GEOM_STRIPE: Device s1 activated.
> # gpart show
> =>        34  1953546173  stripe/s1  GPT  (932G)
>           34         128          1  freebsd-boot  (64K)
>          162  1953546045             - free -  (932G)
> # gpart show
> =>        34  1953546173  stripe/s1  GPT  (932G)
>           34         128          1  freebsd-boot  (64K)
>          162  1953546045             - free -  (932G)
> # gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 20g stripe/s1
> GEOM: ada0: corrupt or invalid GPT detected.
> GEOM: ada0: GPT rejected -- may not be recoverable.
> stripe/s1p2 added
> # gpart show
> =>        34  1953546173  stripe/s1  GPT  (932G)
>           34         128          1  freebsd-boot  (64K)
>          162    41943040          2  freebsd-ufs  (20G)
>     41943202  1911603005             - free -  (912G)
> if I go the MBR road, all seems ok, but as soon as I try to write
> the boot block (boot0cfg -B /dev/stripe/s1) again the kernel
> starts to complain about corrupted GEOM too.

So are you trying to partition the drives and then stripe the
partitions within the drives, or are you trying to partition the

It seems here as though you might be trying to first partition the
drives (not clear on that) then stripe the whole drives - which will
mean the partition info is wrong for the resulting striped drive set -
and then repartition the striped drive set, and neither is ending up

If what you are intending is to partition after striping the raw
drives, then you are doing the right steps, but when the geom layer
tries to look at the info on the individual drives as at boot, it will
find it invalid.  If it the gpart layer is actually refusing to write
partition info to the drives which is wrong for the drives taken
individually, that would account for your problems.

One valid order to do things in would be partition the drives with
gpart, creating identical sets of partitions on both drives, then
stripe the partitions created within them (syntax not exact):
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs0 -s 10g ada0
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs1 -s 10g ada1
gstripe label freebsd-ufs freebsd-ufs0 freebsd-ufs1

That would give you a 20GB stripe, with valid partition info on each

If this will be your boot drive, depending on how much needs to be read
from the drive before the geom_stripe kernel module gets loaded, I
would think there could also be a problem booting from the drive.  This
is not like gmirroring two drives or partitions, where the info read
from either disk early in boot will be identical, and identical (except
for the last block of the partition) to what the OS sees later after
the mirror is formed.

I assume you're bearing in mind that if you lose either drive to a
hardware fault you lose the whole thing, and consider the risk worth
the potential speed/size gain.
  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  clift...@iandicomputing.com / clift...@lava.net
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