Actually, I just llooked I dmesg on the secondary - it is full
of messages thus:

Oct 26 15:44:59 serpentine-passive hastd[10394]: [serp0] (secondary) Unable to 
receive request header: RPC version wrong.
Oct 26 15:45:00 serpentine-passive hastd[782]: [serp0] (secondary) Worker 
process exited ungracefully (pid=10394, exitcode=75).
Oct 26 15:46:59 serpentine-passive hastd[10421]: [serp0] (secondary) Unable to 
receive request header: RPC version wrong.
Oct 26 15:47:04 serpentine-passive hastd[782]: [serp0] (secondary) Worker 
process exited ungracefully (pid=10421, exitcode=75).

Does that help explain my issues ? I have the same OS build running on both
machines, so I dont see how I can have a version mismatch.

The ethernet here cnsists of a pair of bge devices, which are bundled
using LACP and lagg. I didnt see this on my test setup, but that
was using ethernet directly - could there be a difference there ?

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