> What speed do you expect? IIRC from my tests, I was able to saturate
> 1Gbit link with initial synchronization. Also note, that hast
> synchronize only differences, and not the entire thing after crash or
> power failure.

I should probably have put some numbers in the original email,
sorry! I am looking here at an initial syc of the entire mirror,
not just the differences.

ggate+gmirror gives me about 89 meg/second
hast gives me about 44 meg/second

The boxes have gigabit connectin between them - not directly cross
connected, but they are plugged into the same switch. I have lagg
doing LACP on them.

But, as the setup is identical network-wise for each box then I don't
think it's that. I have this is sysctl.conf


I will give the recompile with changed contants a try (maybe later
today) - do I need to do this at both ends though, as I want to avoid
downtime if possible.


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