On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Jamie Norwood wrote:

> So really, then, it is only recently that people should even have been moving
> from 2.2.x to 3.x? This doesn't seem to make sense to me. So we are selling
> an unstable version in the stores? One we don't recommend normal people
> install?

No, I didn't say <3.3 was unstable, I said that we recommend for the
ultra-conservative folks that they hold off jumping in the pool before
about then to give the pool-cleaners time to fish out the bugs.

This is how it's always been in FreeBSD and always will be: except by
getting the new release "out there" we don't have a hope of being able to
put it through all of the real-world testing which others can do. If you
think FreeBSD releases should be made with less bugs and higher quality,
you need to join the QA program and help find them before it goes out the
door so they can be fixed before, not after.


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