At 12:03 PM 3/16/00 -0800, Doug Barton wrote:
>         Also, I'd like to suggest modifying 'installkernel' to install the
>kernel it builds as /kernel, rather than as /${KERNEL} (which usually
>means /GENERIC). This bit me the first time, and even though it's harmless
>not everyone is saavy enough to know how to boot a specific kernel, or
>even to know where to look.

Not too often I need to to boot a specific kernel, but when an odd bug was 
causing my boot drive ad0 not to be found, still recalled that one must 
interrupt the boot sequence, unload the kernel, load the desire kernel, and 
'boot' up.  Good thing I was paying attention to all the endless discussion 
about the new loader back when 3.0 was in the works.

Only problem I had was remembering to look over and catch it. 8-/

A few basics on the loader should be in the handbook, IMO.  AFAICR, there 
is no mention either in the FAQ either.

Jeff Mountin - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator
FreeBSD - the power to serve

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