"Daniel C. Sobral" wrote:
> Jamie Norwood wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 06:35:20PM +0900, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> > > [Hey, what about this "Roasting Newbies" subject? I have read all
> > > messages so far in this thread, and couldn't find any tips or shared
> > > experiences on the matter... :]
> >
> > [Try a light garlic and basil marinade. Roast for 5 minutes per pound,
> > basting every half hour]
> [Is that chopped or crushed garlic? And what kind of drink goes with
> it?]

[Mmm ... young, tender newbies!  Watch out for the tough hackers
though.  Roasted hacker leaves a pretty bitter taste in your mouth. ]

> > > Many of the non-subscribed posters are subscribed developers using
> > > alternate accounts. They would not be happy in the hypothetical case
> > > of this being implemented.
> >
> > IIRC, Majordomo is capable of having 'post-ok' addresses, where you can
> > do a sort of half-subscription where you can post from an address, but
> > not get list mail there.
> It would seem that it's more of a question of suddenly finding
> oneself at another account on a business trip and similar stuff.
> This has been discussed ad nauseum wrt spammers. The bottom line is
> that the cost outweight the benefits, in *that* case.
> But this _is_ a different case. We do get a LOT more clueless
> questions&newbie flaming than spammers. And the consequences are far
> more serious: committers get off lists like -hackers, committers get
> pissed off, and newbies get a terrible first impression. Perhaps
> this might tip the scale in favour of a "posting addresses"
> solution, but, frankly, I doubt it.
> If anyone wants to pursue the matter, talk to jmb in person at
> FreeBSDcon. Buy him some beer, even. Maybe if enough people buy him
> a beer, he might get drunk enough to agree to it (or, otherwise, do
> some despicable act that might be properly recorded for latter use
> as blackmail :).

I will be tracking him down to buy him** a beer so he will keep it the
way it is.  Those of us who do our homework, searching the archives,
deja.com, man pages, etc. should not have to jump through a bunch of
hoops to use the lists.

I like the plan for catching the newbies that go astray and teaching
them.  For the rare bits of spam and the incredibly clueless newbie
posts, there is always the delete key.

[**along with other FreeBSD developers who am in debt to]
-Ben Speirs (still a newbie after all these years)

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