I think all of these are very good ideas. Set out plenty of pointers to
self-help and it makes dealing with people that want to learn much easier.
I love to say 'man it' or goto freebsd.org and follow the links to
'newbie' or something similar. It also makes sense to keep a few of the
lists closed, then the newbie flames are just averted right away.
While many people in the FreeBSD community may have an anti-newbie
attitude I find it slightly annoying. It was like this when linux was
very young in '93, many folks flamed newbies that asked dumb questions,
while they rarely replied to any questions that were actually technical at
all nor consistently pointed them to self-help, that has changed and I
think linux is far better to start people off with, but we should still be
reasonable about treating folks curiosities with some respect.
My $.02,
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