On Tue, 20 Nov 2012 13:47:19 +0100
Ollivier Robert wrote:

> According to Mohacsi Janos on Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:45:19PM +0100:
> > Dear Ollivier and all,
> >     I have problem with the portsnap: I maintain a private
> > "repository" under the /usr/ports: There is a /usr/ports/tmp where
> > I store new ports to be tested, and submitted. The portsnap is
> > removing unrecognized local files.
> This is the main issue most preople have with portsnap, yes.
> I don't know what portsnap does with things like .svn/.hg (from
> different VCS).  If it does not remove them, use hg/git/svn to
> "merge" from the official portsnap tree into your own.  If it does,
> just rsync periodically from portsnap into your /usr/ports.

AFAIK portsnap only removes local files that are under port directories
and only does that during an initial extract. On normal updates it
doesn't delete local files at all.

IMO file deletion is not a significant problem. The more serious
problem is that it only updates that which has changed in the
repository. csup reverts any changes, so patches can be re-applied
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