On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 02:23:36 -0800, Ted Mittelstaedt
> > Chris writes:
> >
> >> Your legacy hardware finally gave up the ghost...
> >
> > Uh, no.  The production server is about 90 days old, and state of the
> > art.  The drives are brand new.
> That is right around the time that brand new drives fail, if they are
> going to, that is.
> Modern drives with the exception of high end SCSI ones, are as a friend
> of
> mine put it once: "slapped together a million miles a second on the
> assembly line"
> Ted

Typically when there's an SSH password delay issue in authentication
it has to do with the name resolution.  Check your /etc/resolv.conf --
it may be your name servers that are responding slowly or if the hosts
do not reverse, that may be it as well.   Anyway, just a hunch, I've
had that happen to me before.

Best wishes,

Alexander G. Chamandy
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