On Mar 22 at 17:05, Anthony Atkielski said:

Bart Silverstrim writes:
And when people are saying that it's more likely X but you insist it's Y
and you don't want to take the time to do Y because there are others
who should be more competent with it, what are you going to do to
compensate them if they drop everything to do Y and find out it wasn't,
in fact, their fault?  Anything?

Who's going to pay me for the time I lose indulging them?

How much time have you lost _just_ within the context of this thread alone?
Everyone has attempted - with great diligence and considerable patience - to *help* you.

You said earlier (I seem to recall) that this isn't a production machine, thus presumably it's a personal project. With hardware of this vintage it's to be hoped so anyway.

My point is you've alreay lost time....on a personal project, with no certainty of an outcome under *any* OS. Are you so wired in that all the hours in your day are billable to some_project_or_other? If so, use the 80/20 rule and tank this one. It's either that or if you *are* billing for your time, you don't understand consultant methodology...to say the least of it, because you would be agressively chasing a solution *OR* seeing the law of diminshing returns, abandon the project and go do something more profitable and with an outcome of some kind....instead of cursing out and maligning list members, the OS etc. etc.

I shouldn't have risen to this, but it's already gone from the realms of the sublime to the utterly absurd. You've argued _yourself_ into a loop from which there seems to be no egress. You're the one frothing endlessly about something that you could have gone a long way to troubleshooting or even <gasp> solving! You apparently elected not to for reasons best known to yourself. Thus - I think - it's time to put this down and give everyone a much deserved rest from the eternally
utterly futile series of exchanges.


Colin J. Raven
Sat Mar 26 13:08:00 CET 2005
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