On Mar 20, 2005, at 1:25 PM, Adam wrote:
Do you claim to speak for Adaptec? Your words are dangerously ill-chosen if you do not work for Adaptec, because you are misleading people about the company and about their products.

Quit being such a corporate apologist. They refuse to give out the info
required to use their hardware. That prevents people from using it. So
they obviously don't want people to buy their hardware.


[ ... ]
And adults learn that businesses like money, and showing businesses how
they will lose money by making certain decisions can effect those decisions.
Maybe you should take some more time to understand what is actually happening
instead of making snide remarks about what you wrongly percieve is happening.

...and this contradict each other.

Pretend for a second that your first claim is actually correct, that Adaptec does not want to sell hardware. Just what do you think you are accomplishing by trying to convince people not to buy Adaptec hardware, then? According to your words, that's exactly what Adaptec wants.

If you want to draw valid conclusions, you need to start with valid premises. More precisely, if you assert A implies B, and A is shown to be false, you have demonstrated absolutely nothing about B. Of course, before you get to the point of being able to derive inferential conclusions using first-order logic, you need to be coherent enough to put together an argument which does not claim that A and not A are true at the same time.


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